Roadway Engineering, Signing & Pavement Marking
Review topographic survey information to understand the levels and gradients of the site in relation to road layout.
• Develop horizontal alignments of the required road corridors giving due regard to existing and proposed road levels.
• Design & develop vertical alignments to optimize cut and fill.
• Prepare junction designs and detailed road design plan & profile drawings and issue vertical & horizontal geometry stakeout report.
• Prepare signing and pavement marking plans.
Pavement Design
• Determine a representative design load case (e.g. a standard axle).
• Workout the number of equivalent design loads during the design life of the pavement.
• Determine traffic load in terms of Million Standard Axles (MSA) in case of flexible pavement and Axle Load Distribution (ALD) in case of Rigid Pavement.
• Design flexible pavement base course, binder course & wearing course at desire vehicle damage factor (VDF), Lane Distribution Factor (LDF) & specified growth rate at field CBR values.
Storm Water Management
• Review and assess existing drainage infrastructure based on available records.
• Collate available information on existing watercourses and their potential impact/ constraint on the proposed scheme.
• Prepare hydraulic model including pipe networks and open channel flow model to manage peak storm events and mitigate flooding risk.
• Integration with land use plan to allocate space for site-wide drainage corridors and setbacks.
• Develop Plan & Profile of storm drain network.
• Develop rainwater harvesting plan indicating potential rainwater harvesting techniques that can be used on site.
• Provide design details of all structures required for storm water such as manholes, inlet structures, grates, gutters, drop structures, etc. |