
International Projects


The USD 1.7 Billion, IH 10 Katy Freeway reconstruction project is a landmark project for the Houston district of TxDOT and involves the widening of Interstate 10 from its existing condition to a 22-lane facility with an 8 to 12 lane divided highway, 4 managed lanes to be used as HOT lanes (High Occupancy and/or Toll) and 3 to 4 lane frontage roads in each direction. The project includes 22 miles of urban freeway with 2 fully directional interchanges and 52 grade separations. The existing reversible HOV lane has been replaced with a 4- lane managed facility.

As a member of the program management team with Parsons Brinckerhoff, our consultants have been providing program management, roadway design and CADD support services. Program management functions have included development of the program management plan, schematic advancement, project kickoffs, design concept conferences, section design oversight and inter agency coordination. Providing roadway design support to the team, our consultants have been involved with roadway & drainage design, development of corridor wide design criteria and standards, redesign of the Beltway 8 interchange, development of overall traffic control concepts,
design reviews at milestone submittals, CADD criteria development, electronic document control and file management and PS&E development. On the CADD front, our consultants have been providing Microstation and Geopak expertise, with one of our senior consultants serving as the corridor wide CADD Manager. In the construction phase, our consultants have provided construction management support in the areas of schedule updates, development and implementation of Request for Information (RFI) and Change Order processes, review of shop drawings, construction oversight and supervision, utility coordination and management and maintenance and updates of as-built drawings.


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